Katelynn reached out to our center to get some help turning her innovative business concept into a reality. As a master gardener and ecologist, her curiosities had led her to an amazing discovery, and she had big goals she wanted to accomplish. She had been experimenting with mushroom cultivation and had discovered that she could use oyster mushrooms to break down waste plastic into compost, and she had a vision for how this could change the future of our planet. She wanted to find a way to bring this discovery into a practical setting to provide a solution to the plastic pollution crisis and to help promote organismal diversity in our soil.
Turning a Passion into a Business
We talked about the vision and how she could get there and made plans for the phases of evolution and growth her company would go through. She worked on her pitch and messaging, and created media channels she would use to get her story out there. She started researching grant opportunities and building her connections with partners in her local business community and with environmental experts. At the same time, she started testing her process of turning plastic into compost and documenting through photos and video to use in her media content. As she's planned, tested, and prototyped she's also spent time building a practical model for her business, and she's ready to launch the first phase of her plan, compost collection services.
Learn More from Katelynn
As her mushrooms grow and fruit, she continues to grow her network, her audience, and her understanding of how to make her vision a reality. She's working towards her goal of educating the world about mycological solutions to our environmental problems and showing the world what mushrooms can do. To learn more about her compost collection services in Ravalli County, you can reach her at katelynnmdavis@live.com. And if you want to learn more about her mushroom mission, check out her YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@BitterrootMycoComposting and Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/bitterroot_myco/.
We're so happy we can support innovators like Katelynn Davis with Bitterroot Myco-Composting and Bioproducts. If you have a big idea that you want to make real, and you don't know where to start, maybe it's time to schedule an appointment with a Rocky Mountain WBC Business Advisor. Click the button below to get started.